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Novo site da associação de fuzileiros, destaques, noticias e acontecimentos da AFZ e suas delegações de fuzileiro do norte ao Algarve Logo

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Associated Risks leads in providing proven and robust maritime risk management strategies, armed vessel protection services, Superyacht and bespoke security solutions, as well as international manpower provision to corporate and government clients operating in hostile environments worldwide. Associated Risks employs only highly skilled and experienced security specialists with global experience in the maritime and land based security sectors Logo

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Telecom Engineers Association Web Site Logo

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With the close bond of friendship of our members since we met in 1980, it was everyone's will and desire to take this bond to a lifetime. As a result in 2004, with the most valuable sponsorship of the ATT Group, one of our brother companies by then, our first step to this journey was put in Kurungala. Since then, with the election of Office Bearers on a provincial basis, annually, the tremendeous support and dedication from them to make it upto 12 years in off the charts. Although we organized Logo

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Tanzanias in the republic of Korea

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Association of Railway P.Way Engineers Who's Helps in Railway Mutual Transfer, Departmentals Question Paper, Exam, Promotion and provides latest NEWS, Rules and Regulation. Logo

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“Oltre il mare – Beyond the sea” non ha finalità di lucro, è apartitica e promuove attività educative volte al rispetto di ogni vivente, delle risorse naturali, del patrimonio storico, paesaggistico ed artistico nella più ampia cornice possibile, in Italia e nei Paesi in cui svolgerà la propria attività. Aderisce, ove possibile, ad ogni iniziativa compatibile con detti scopi, condividendo ogni forma democratica di lotta allo sfruttamento, all’ingiustizia, alla discriminazione ed alla guerra. Logo

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A website for the Association of Mine Manager's of Zimbabwe

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Operare in difesa del pieno esercizio dei diritti individuali e collettivi del personale militare in servizio e in quiescenza e sviluppare l’attivo intervento dei cittadini alla vita e al progresso civile e sociale, sulla base di principi di democrazia, uguaglianza e partecipazione. Logo

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Associação dos Oficias Militares PM BM de Sergipe