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The mission of ATAC (Addicted to African and Caribbean) MAGAZINE is to produce and disseminate constructive knowledge and understanding about and between the people of Africa and the Caribbean. This includes: their artistic productions and economic contribution to universal progress, their diverse histories, cultures and languages, their place and differential impact of race, ethnicity and gender in the construction of their identities within the United States, Africa, Caribbean and globally. Logo

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Atalaia news é um portal On line dinâmico com noticias atualizadas de conteúdo variado. Seu conceito é produzir matérias limpas e de fácil leitura seguindo as regras da acessibilidade. Sua estrutura responsiva foi pensada e concebida para ser visualizado nas mais modernas mídias tais como: Tablet, Notebook, desktop e smartphones. Nossos espaços publicitário tem por objetivo não apenas divulgar, mas, valorizar a imagem do cliente, agregando valor ao seu comércio ou produtos.

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The site is about advertisement purposes and local news feeds

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The company is specially for advertisement purposes and local news feeds. About the city Asansol.

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