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AdNewskira is a free classified website for anyone who wants to advertise on Newskira.

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The Armacheho Developmental Organization and Association (ADOA), Inc... Is a non political, non governmental and non profitable public benefit organization. ADOA's mission is to provide critical relief and developmental assistance primarily to the Armacheho community both in Ethiopia and Diaspora.

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We are a world class financial investment company based in South Africa. Logo

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We Provide the best services in international

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Site destinado a jovens cristãos. Logo

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The year 2011 marks the 15th year in the development oriented service of ADO: working for the ignored, down-trodden and deprived community of district Layyah. The said organization registered in 1996 with social welfare department, Govt. of the Punjab under (voluntary social welfare agencies registration control & ordinance 1961).

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Adolfo "Chichi" De Obarrio Panama

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Adolfo "Chichi" De Obarrio Panama

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La Asociación Dominicana de la Pequeña y Mediana Industria, ADOPMI, es una institución sin fines de lucro, fundada el 15 de junio del 1993 en la ciudad de Santo Domingo, con la finalidad de impulsar y proteger a los micro, pequeños y medianos industriales, los cuales representan el motor que mueven y dinamizan la economía, desarrollando la nación. La Asociación Dominicana de la Pequeña y Mediana Industria, ADOPMI, es una institución sin fines de lucro, fundada el 15 de junio del 1993 en la ciud Logo

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Adopt a Serviceman is the link between American military members and members of their communities, a link that starts with an expression of support and leads to to a lifetime of friendship.