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A fi echilibrat emoțional este important pentru confortul personal al fiecăruia dintre noi. Ai curajul de a apela la îndrumarea unui psiholog! CABINETUL INDIVIDUAL DE PSIHOLOGIE GABRIELA BÂZÂITU se adresează copiilor,adolescenților și adulților aflați în astfel de momente dificile sau interesați de dezvoltare personală, optimizarea performanțelor și obținerea succesului în activitatea profesională.

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Bienvenue sur le site du docteur Marie-Noëlle MENARD, médecin de la reproduction, endocrinologie gynécologique, situé 2 square Mignot, 75116 PARIS - FRANCE Logo

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Sunt Anca Suteu, psihoterapeut, psiholog clinician si trainer,de formare cognitiv-comportamentala,specializata in tehnica psihoterapeutica brainspotting. In cadrul Cabinetului Individual De Psihologie pot fi abordate o larga paleta de situatii conflictuale ce creaza disconfort. Serviciile prestate: 1. Dezvoltare personala -dezvoltarea inteligentei emotionale si a inteligentei sociale -formarea deprinderilor de rezolvare de probleme -dezvoltarea unor deprinderi de coping pentru stres -dezvoltar Logo

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Cabinet Stomatologic din Constanta ofera servicii stomatologice de calitate, Dr Resit Ayla este un medic stomatolog renumit in Constanta care a tratat mii de pacienti cu succes. La cabinetul stomatologic DentoPlus o sa benefieciezi de implanturi dentare de top, aparate dentare din materiale calitative si proteze dentare lucrate de cei mai buni specialisti in domeniul stomatologie. Daca cauti un stomatolog bun in Constanta Dr Resit Ayla este alegerea perfecta pentru a avea dinti frumosi, sanatosi Logo

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Cabinet WM is an audit firm, statutory auditors and accounting assistance, having in its portfolio a wide range of client (foreign and local) working in various sectors. Also specialized in assisting foreign companies in their tax obligations where we offer them our advisory services and support

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Nabila Kausar Cable is a cable network company. We provide dish connections.

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It is about News and Information to able to connect with all over the world. Logo

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Cache Sports Media is a sports news organization dedicated to covering the stories of the athletes, schools, and fans of the Cache Valley region of Northern Utah and Southern Idaho. All sports including football, basketball, soccer, baseball, track, tennis, swimming, LaCrosse, hockey, volleyball, etc. Boys and girls of high school, mens and womens of college NCAA, Utah State University USU Aggies, Mountain Crest Mustangs, Sky View Bobcats, Logan Grizzlies, Preston Indians, West Side Pirates.