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This website shares bible events and world affairs as it relates to end time prophecy and bible prophecy. Logo

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We Provide the Ultimate services For All Your automotive needs. Like!!! Car Servicing Car Repairing Car Painting Car Diagnosis Car Denting ETC...

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A place to inform the world of whats happening in your community Logo

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Media content producer for broadcasters and non-profit organizations looking for ways to increase visibility and add names to their constituency. Logo

More info » is an open to the public discussion forum focusing on current events and newsworthy subjects. An free and open discussion of topics is encouraged among members. Logo

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Bob McCarty's first nonfiction book, Three Days In August, chronicles the life story and wrongful conviction of Kelly A. Stewart, a highly-decorated Green Beret combat veteran. His second nonfiction book, “The CLAPPER MEMO,” was released in May 2013 and connects the dots between three DoD memos - including one by James R. Clapper Jr. -- and hundreds of American casualties in Afghanistan at the hands of our so-called “allies” wearing the uniforms of Afghan military, police and security agencies.

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Alternative News Universal Awareness Covid Virus and Vaccine Information Deep State Exposure Dark Alliance Exposure Galactic Federation of Worlds Updates

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Bobsolo Foundation is where children and young people are encouraged to learn and take charge of their lives. We do this by addressing their situation (Education, Shelter, Food, etc) The organization has a series of projects in its portfolio which eases life's strain on disadvantaged individuals. We at Bobsolo Foundation, believe that every child quality education, which is a legacy that cannot be taken from them Helping children, youths and adults in various spheres leave a lasting im

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