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Blog de Marketing Digital com informações sobre Marketing em Mídias Sociais. Artigos, Ferramentas, Cases e dicas de Marketing Digital.

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Want to know the latest phones on the go? or want to buy the latest gadget? welcome to the right place to get every information you need

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Blogocars has all the relevant and latest updates on cars. New launches, Special Features, Prices, and lot more can be found only by visiting once. Logo

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“Blog Off The Wall” Strives to bring you the best and most interesting Off The Wall Science, News, Facts, Stories and Pictures on the internet. Do You have a story or website story that you would like to share? Up at the top right hand side of this website, just hit the submit a link and submit your story. Please read the Terms and Conditions at the bottom of this website first. If you would like Blog Off The Wall delivered to your email address just go to the bottom of the website and enter y

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We are an independent digital media platform that provides handpicked content on different issues that require your attention as a citizen of this country and as a part of the world. We are living in a generation where people rely on unreliable sources to make their opinions on important matters, therefore we endevour to provide short and interesting stories on multiple subjects ranging from national events, politics, environment to sports.

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Na uszko i na luzie. Nie chcemy być kolejnym, poważnym źródłem fachowej wiedzy, chcemy pokazać, że marketing to też zabawa, czasem wręcz brukowa. Jak widać; dopiero startujemy, ale szybko planujemy dogonić stawkę. Będziemy szczuć cycem, będziemy śmiać się z social mediowych wpadek, będziemy piętnować najgorsze reklamy w cyklu “maliny reklamy“, ale będziemy też chwalić te najlepsze strony www, kreacje, koncepcje, pomysły i strategie. Z czasem pewnie troszkę wydoroślejemy i staniemy się troszkę