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O Bem Estar Web é mantido por profissionais com Mestrado, Pós Graduação e Graduação e especialização em Farmácia Bioquímica e Indústria, formados pela Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR

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Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Bandung-Cimahi, Merupakan organisasi Keluarga Mahasiswa (KM) di Univeritas Jenderal Achmad Yani (UNJANI). Logo

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Benakaab: Help to make country Corruption free Logo

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A 24/7 informational resource for dog lovers features news, reviews and interviews with leading authorities, and some unusual dog products available for purchase. Logo

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Our site includes interviews with leading dog trainers,veterinarians, and behaviorists, and news about dogs; We also include reviews of new dog products,dog foods, dog toys. We also review books about dogs and dog training. We offer any number of specialty dog products for sale. Logo

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Ben Blankenship Voice Imaging Voiceovers for Commercials, Radio station Imaging and Promos, Affiliate and Network TV Promos, Narration Voiceover, and Trailers. CESD Talent, NY Solid Talent, LA Logo

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News and Entertainment from around the world.

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Since 2011, Benchmarkhires Consultancy has maintained a high level of quality recruitment. We provide quality solutions and consultation designed to meet the needs of our clients. We take great pride in offering professional recruitment and management consultancy services for all your staffing needs. Logo

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Renew Leadership is for current and aspiring leaders who want to increase their leadership competency with sound leadership development techniques. Techniques include information on leadership development, using leadership assessments,and some of the best leadership books to help leaders grow, including The Leadership Compass: Mapping Your Leadership Direction. Renew Leadership is a site where leaders can learn from each other. Get involved in the Renew Leadership Movement to grow leaders!

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Bendel Republic is a new country located in west africa fighting for freedom from Nigeria. Blessed by God with Natural Resources and different languages. we are the Hope of all Africans.Bendel Republic consist of four (4) Nigeria states, Called Edo state,Delta state,Bayelsa state and Rivers state. God bless Bendel Republic for We are the hope of all africans,we are called the Bendelnians. Bendel Republic is our Hope and Future, Not For Sale.