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In 2009 of a first class finance service company, UT Finance Service Nigeria, a subsidiary of UT Holdings, with headquarters in Ghana. #alabaadewaleadebajo

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Pastor Wale Adebajo is a man of God who has dedicated his life to serve and preach the gospel to the world #PastorWaleAdebajo #AlabaAdewaleAdebajo

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Strategy Remains Best Key to Business Breakthrough – Alaba Adewale Adebajo, CEO, UT Financial Services The University of Ghana Business School (UGBS), known for its contribution and achievement in developing world class human resources and capabilities to meet national development needs and global challenge, recently hosted a Professional Business Summit to mark its 39th Management Week.

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Alaba Adewale Adebajo: The programme was sponsored by UT Financial Services, a leading outfit in developing small and medium scale enterprises The summit, which was tailored towards educating students of the University on developing strategies before becoming successful, was themed “Strategy as Key to Success in Business”.Delivering his lecture on the theme of the summit, the special guest of honour and Chief Executive Officer of UT Financial Limited, Mr. Ade Adebajo, stated that where one studi

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In the past, financial service houses were regarded as Sherlock homes, where it is absolutely difficult for anyone to access loans for whatever project he is interested in. And when he does, he pays back through his nose, not without attendant harassments from the borrowing house.

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CEO UT Finance Services #AlabaAdewaleAdebajo

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In the past, financial service houses were regarded as Sherlock homes, where it is absolutely difficult for anyone to access loans for whatever project he is interested in. And when he does, he pays back through his nose, not without attendant harassments from the borrowing house. #AlabaAdwaleAdebajo

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The University of Ghana Business School (UGBS), known for its contribution and achievement in developing world class human resources and capabilities to meet national development needs and global challenge, recently hosted a Professional Business Summit to mark its 39th Management Week. #AlabaAdewaleAdebajo #PastorWaleAdebajo

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The University of Ghana Business School (UGBS), known for its contribution and achievement in developing world class human resources and capabilities to meet national development needs and global challenge, recently hosted a Professional Business Summit to mark its 39th Management Week. #AlabaAdewaleAdebajo #PastorWaleAdebajo

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In the past, financial service houses were regarded as Sherlock homes, where it is absolutely difficult for anyone to access loans for whatever project he is interested in. And when he does, he pays back through his nose, not without attendant harassments from the borrowing house.