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News portal of Una-sana region

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الشركة هي شركة مساهمة بنظام الاذون تعمل في اثني عشر نشاطا تجاري وصناعي وسياحي مثل الاستثمار والتجارة والانشاءات والمقاولات والتوريدات العمومية والبترولية وغيرها . كما تمتلك الشركة تسعة أفرع في الوطن العربي هي كالآتي : الامارات فرعين ( دبي - ابو ظبي ) - الكويت - قطر - البحرين - السعودية - تركيا - مصر - تونس . وتمتلك الشركة اربعة قرى سياحية في دبي و مصر وتونس وجاري تجهيز قرية المغرب

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This site is to highlight the issue of the way The Ethnic Russian Population in Estonia and the EU. Denieing them full citizenship and EU reconigsed passports Logo

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EEVRR.COM is an online marketplace offering almost all sorts of creative jobs and services worldwide. Everybody around the globe has some creativity by nature. This creativity varies from person to person. EEVRR.COM provides a very pleasant and simple interface to Unleash Your Creativity and SELL it in the marketplace. The services can be very small to large. And there is unlimited opportunity to offer ideas to sell. Students, Freelancers, Job Holders, Jobless people, House-wives

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Europe of freedom and democracy Group (Europa für Freiheit und Demokratie) Seit mehr als Zahn Jahren ist Nigel Farage die Stimme der Menschen in der EU. Kaum jemand traut sich ihm zu widersprechen. Nur wenige Medien haben sich für Ihn interessiert. Doch durch die unterschaetze Stärke der UnitedWorldWideWeb Community steigt die Zahl seiner "Fans". Logo

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The peoples voice! We support the EFD - (Europe of Freedom and Democracy) The Group is open to Members that subscribe to a Europe of Freedom and Democracy and acknowledge the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights and parliamentary democracy.

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Dale difusión a tu empresa y publica notas de prensa sin necesidad de registro previo.

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We're all about making a big difference to your company. What makes us different is we get to know you and your company. We are a friendly, approachable, creative agency. Established in 2008, we are now a flourishing agency with a excellent reputation. In 4 short years we have helped create, build and promote brands from all sectors and can demonstrate a varied portfolio of work. We have also acquired local, national and international clients and continue to build strong relationships.

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Efficacitas Consulting Ltd., Energy and Environmental Efficiency, is a young company founded in 1994 whose mission is to promote sustainable resource management efforts throughout Latin America. Efficacitas fulfills its mission by providing a wide range of services oriented to pollution prevention and control, cleaner production including conservation and efficient use of energy, raw materials and resources, to the industrial, commercial and services sectors.