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Art company "New Stars" works with talented children and teens, as well as models. The company is organizer of festivals, fashion shows, competitions, school for children, and other events. It also organizes photo shoots, video shoots, creates video clips and films. The company organizes international events in Bulgaria and participates in various events all over the world. Art company "New Stars" was established in 2012 and is well known and with good reputation. Logo

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Somos una empresa online dedicada al arte en decoración de restaurantes, eventos, fiestas infantiles, etc. Ofrecemos una propuesta moderna e innovadora para hacer de la vida de nuestros clientes un mundo de color y fantasía.

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Amateurs d’art. Des œuvres authentiques et abordables pour vous. Pour un aperçu mensuel de nouvelles œuvres et une invitation aux évènements futurs visitez mon site web. To be aware of new work and future events feel free to join in.

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You would like to organize a party but you have no time? Why don't you let ARTdep to organize it for you? If you plan a big party or an exclusive party theme, you have chosen the right team! Contact us and we will take care of everything that's neceary. Without hassle, your ideas come to life! Logo

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ART DESIGN EVENTS va poate indeplini visul unei nunti de lux sau unui botez perfect prin calitatea produselor oferite si stilul unic in Romania . Prin modelele atent realizate, avem posibilitatea de a completa evenimentul dorit cu un plus de eleganta si rafinament.

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Este espaço é dedicado a todos aqueles que amam a Paris e buscam informacoes a respeito. Aqui você vai encontrar  artigos relacionados ao turismo, restaurantes, intercambios, hotéis e notícias atuais. O objetivo deste site é  compartilhar informações gerais sobre a França. Logo

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Temos por fim dar formação e apoio social a jovens nas vertentes artísticas e culturais. Criar e produzir eventos originais e inovadores. Promover acções sócio-culturais e educativas incentivando os jovens a desenvolver as suas capacidades artísticas. Promover o intercâmbio de experiências entre as mais variadas formas de arte e entre regiões.

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Saúde, beleza e artes femininas.

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Alquiler de salon para fiestas de 15, cumpleaños, comuniones, catering para cualquier evento

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Alquiler de salon de fiestas y eventos, animación, cumpleaños, comuniones, casamientos y todo tipo festejo que te imagines.