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Independent Film Production company in Grass Valley, California. Post Production, Editing, Delivery, and Marketing. Video for all use. Making Movies with a Purpose. Telling Stories that Inspire.

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Independent Film & TV production: "the WATERING hole" is a twilight zone -esk story. Starring Rob Tillitz.

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THE GOLdEN TREE: a historic flash back into an obscure but famous family during the California Gold Rush. Logo

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Chardonnay Movie | Petite Chardonnay | Aria Pictures and Gerald Martin Davenport. Starring Michael Klemp as Michael Robert Oak, Gretta Sosine as Teresa Marie Oak, Charlie Merlo as Jessie Kreger, with Gary L. Conover as Richard James Oak, and introducing Karly Avva as Chardonnay, Lori Grbac as Cecilia Oak, Rob Tillitz as Gary, Cynthia A. Gatlin as Agnes, Jacob Ambrosini as Young Michael Oak, Krystina Mae as Marilyn. Logo

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Paint movie about paintball, action, fun, and growing up. It's Just a Game Right?

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THE GOLdEN TREE is a film written, produced, directed, and edited by Gerald Martin Davenport for Aria Pictures.

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TODAY, a film by Brendan Brooks. Filmed entirely on location in Grass Valley and Nevada City, California. for Nevada County TV.

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The arickmedia company is an event company that can handle professional sound and the video

More info » is a Website dedicated to keeping you up to do date with Artist, Arie Dixon. Logo

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Have you ever read a magazine and could never relate to it. Well your wait is over. Welcome to Aries Magazine. The ultimate gay men's magazine. It's not like most gay magazines out there. Stop on by and take a gander at ours!