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AMU Lift Company

AMU Lift Company (ALC) with 15 years of experience started its business in 2007 as a total lift company, headquartered in Kabul, Afghanistan. Within a short span of time, ALC became a pioneer in lift and its servicing and was installing more than a hundred lifts in Afghanistan. Being a total lift company and having a wide variety of lifts (FUJI, FUJI HD, FUJI TA, Turkish and Iranian Lifts), ALC imports FUJI lifts which are listed among the top 10 world Lift companies in 2021. We offer all kinds Visit site »

Contact Information

Company Name AMU Lift Company
Phone 0799225022
Address Sahebzadeh Plaza,Quwai-Markaz
Kabul ,Kabul 1007 AF
Toll free 0789225022
Main Contact AMU Lift Company