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Almoda Rana Uprety

Almoda Rana Uprety is Music Composer, Singer. He was born on 5th February. His horoscope is Aquarius. His marital status is Single. He has recently been involved in movie Kri. Almoda Rana Uprety is a Nepalese playback singer. Almoda has released songs throughout Nepal such as "Funtastic (Pani Paryo)" and "Kaile Vetne Khai". Almoda started his career at the age of 5 after ending up as the second runner up in national level broadcast singing competition 'Nepal Star - 2005' at the age of 16. Visit site »

Contact Information

Company Name Almoda Rana Uprety
Phone +977
Address Kathmandu, Nepal
Kathmandu ,State 3 44600 NP
Toll free
Main Contact Almoda Rana Uprety