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Cadet College Spinkai

The Mehsud Tribes of South Waziristan Agency demanded establishment of Cadet College in their area. The Chief of the Army Staff (COAS), General Ashfaq Pervez Kiyani during his visit in 2011, promised to establish the college. For this noble cause, the Mehsud Tribes donated 730 x Kanals of land at Spinkai Raghzai. Cadet College Spinkai (CCS) started functioning in April 2011 in its temporary location at Chagmalai and was inaugurated by the COAS on 27 May 2014. The honourable COAS appreciated the Visit site »

Contact Information

Company Name Cadet College Spinkai
Phone 0963-519355
Address South Waziristan Agency
Spinkai ,FATA 12345 PK
Toll free 0963-519355
Main Contact Cadet College Spinkai