
Business Directory

Ancient Angkor Villa Logo Ancient Angkor Villa has been completely renovated this year. This lovely hotel offers 24 rooms in the center of Siem Reap. It is located in a quiet area yet next to the center it has an outdoor sunny pool with an open restaurant bar.You can choose a room with or without balcony. You also have the option to rent two rooms with a common living room which has two nice balconies. Or opt for the top-floor suite with four balconies with a large window that flood in all the light and sun of Siem Reap Visit site »

Contact Information

Company Name Ancient Angkor Villa
Phone (+855)89738366
Address Siem Reap
Siem Reap ,Siem reap 17252 KH
Toll free (+855)63 760789
Main Contact Ancient Angkor Villa
Fax (+855)63 760799