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Agatha Crup Graphic Novel Logo 'Agatha Crup and the Legend of The Olin', (free online) is a unique and imaginative concept of veteran music producer and graphic designer Ray Hayden of Opaz Multimedia. The story is told in two time lines being today and ten years from today after the fall of "MAN" at the hands of LILITH ( the first wife of Adam )who was reincarnated on Halloween 2011. Featuring a host of supernatural characters with CGI graphics it mixes myth and science with an adult twist. It is the evolution of the comic. Visit site »

Contact Information

Company Name Agatha Crup Graphic Novel
Phone 0207 289 8886
Address Opaz Multimedia Grove Hall Ct,
London ,London NW8 9NR UK
Toll free
Main Contact Agatha Crup Graphic Novel