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American Acupuncture - Artificial sweeteners are chemical body toxins that must be detoxified.artificial sweetners may be the cause of your obesity
American Acupuncture - Doctors find it increasingly difficult for docotrs to practice on their own.
American Acupuncture - See what is happening each moment without judging or interpreting. Give yourself room for knowing by accepting the fact that not to know is ok.
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American Acupuncture - Routine mammograms are no longer considered necessary.
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American Acupuncture - This mode is important to handle details and to learn new tasks. Your left-brain stores information, analyses it, and plans your future Your left-brain stores information, analyses it, and plans your future
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American Acupuncture - Discussion of medical controversial subjects that affect your health.
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American Acupuncture - It is useless to give advice, judge, or criticize people. It is useless to give advice, judge, or criticize people. It is useless to give advice, judge, or criticize people.
American Acupuncture - It is the leading cause of disability in the elderly Five percent of everyone over 65 has osteoarthritis of the hip.
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American Acupuncture - Be concerned about looking and feeling your best in all areas of your life.
American Acupuncture - Its important to remove the cause of Gerd rather than just treat the symptoms. Its important to remove the cause of Gerd rather than just treat the symptoms.
American Acupuncture - You can have anything we want, if you tell your conscious mind to reach for it
American Acupuncture - Singing a string of one syllable rhythmic sounds clears your negative thoughts
American Acupuncture - Ear acpuncture eliminates the desire to smoke
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American Acupuncture - Water cleans the toxic wastes from body cells
American Acupuncture - The FDA ban on silicone breast implants was lifted, but safety issues still unsettled.
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American Acupuncture - It is estimated that 50% of chronically ill patients have LYME'S DISEASE
American Acupuncture - genes lose regulation because of disturbed synaptic connections caused by early life environment and experiences. genes lose regulation because of disturbed synaptic connections caused by early life environment and experiences. genes lose regulation because of disturbed synaptic connections caused by early life environment and experiences.
American Acupuncture - Sports injuries are now treated with injections of the patient’s own blood into sites of injury. This
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American Acupuncture - The brain has many dynamic parts and each defies scientific analysis
American Acupuncture - There is no test available for bipolar illness and gene and brain studies show nothing
American Acupuncture - genes lose regulation when their connections are disturbed
American Acupuncture - Because of time constraints and lack of training, physicals are obsolete.
American Acupuncture - During anesthesia, gases given off cause structural changes in the brain proteins
American Acupuncture - White fat is bad and brown fat is good.
American Acupuncture - Alcohol causes muscles to relax, emotions to run free, and loosens our tongues.

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