
Business Directory

Google Defamation League Logo Informational and legal web site dedicated to exposing all search engines who deliberately endorse,sponsor,perpetuate, and promote DEFAMATION, SLANDER and LIBEL WITH TOTAL DISREGARD to the FINANCIAL and PERSONAL DAMAGE they cause to private people and corporations. "DEFAMATION, SLANDER and LIBEL" are "HATE-CRIMES" and are ILLEGAL in 28-states and 39-countrys, and cost 100s of MILLIONS of $$$s. These HATE-CRIMES are being endorsed, sponsored, perpetuated and promoted by all MAJOR SEARCH ENGINES. Visit site »

Contact Information

Company Name Google Defamation League
Phone +6685-503-0300
Address 985/458 Sukhumvit 71
Klongtan, Bangko ,Thailand 10110 TH
Toll free
Main Contact Google Defamation League
Fax +02-938-8191