
Business Directory

Challengers Taekwondo Academy

We are undeniably the most qualified Instructors to teach you “Olympic style WTF Taekwondo” in the Province, with Instructors certification from the Taekwondo Federation of India, World Taekwondo Federation. An unparalleled training & teaching background in WTF Taekwondo, unequaled coaching experience at the Provincial & National level as well as certification in Fitness Instruction and NCCP. We spend more time training & teaching every year than some instructors are able to achieve in a lifetim Visit site »

Contact Information

Company Name Challengers Taekwondo Academy
Phone +91-9953553391
Address Karol Bagh
New Delhi ,Delhi 110005 IN
Toll free +91-9953553391
Main Contact Challengers Taekwondo Academy